Psychotronic Farming
A controversial technique
is having a growing impact in the farm community
An Interview With Peter Kelly, by Leslie Aickin
One of the articles in Living With The Land (IC#8)
Winter 1984, Page 55
Copyright (c)1985, 1997 by Context Institute
MOST OF THE ARTICLES in this section have been built around the idea that we can have better land use by following the patterns of biological nature. This is an important, even crucial, concept, but in our enthusiasm for it we run the danger of forgetting that there is more to nature than just biology and ecology - indeed there may be whole vast facets of nature to which we are mostly blind. If we look at other cultures, we find that many of them - including the Chinese, the Egyptians, and the neolithic Europeans - were greatly concerned about "energy paths" and "power points" in the earth about which our culture knows essentially nothing. We used to brush these old ideas aside as mere superstition, but we may now slowly be learning a lesson from Chinese medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine also spoke of mysterious "energy meridians" and "pressure points" that did not correspond to any aspect of physical anatomy known to Western medicine. At first medical doctors thought it was all nonsense, but then they began to see consistent successful results from acupuncture and acupressure. As a culture, we have had to admit that, even though we don't thoroughly understand it, these aspects of Chinese medicine are dealing with something real.
The earth energies so important to these old cultures may be a similar phenomenon, but in this case for the body of the earth. The evidence is slimmer, but the parallels are very suggestive. What offends the traditional Western scientific mind about all this, however, is that detecting these energies requires trained humans, not just mechanical instruments. The ancient Chinese science of these earth energies, known as Feng-Shui (literally "wind and water"), used a combination of naturalistic observations, instruments such as their geomantic compass, and personal sensitivity to detect these subtle energies. The results obtained from these techniques were used to place buildings, vegetation, roads, etc. in positions that would harmonize most positively with the observed energy patterns.
The subject of the following interview deals with a similar case of a technique that mixes instrumentation and human sensitivity and claims to detect and affect subtle energies that are not normally recognized by Western science. Because of this blend of mind and electronics it is now known as "psychotronics," although when it first developed it was called "radionics." It got started many decades ago when some inventors were attempting to use certain circuits to analyze mineral specimens, but found that their readings were influenced by nearby plants and people. They changed direction, and have steadily explored the interaction between their equipment and the living world around them.
The validity of all this is definitely controversial, and my intention in including this material is not to "sell" you on the idea of psychotronics, one way or the other, but simply to explore beyond the edges of the comfortably known and remind ourselves that the land may hold mysteries beyond anything we have yet imagined.
Peter Kelly, an electronics engineer turned inventor and teacher, is the director of Interdimensional Sciences (PO Box 167, Lakemont, GA 30552) and first vice-president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association (3459 West Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL 60618). Leslie Aickin lives in Port Townsend, WA, and is a personal friend of Peter.
Leslie: How does psychotronics work?
Peter: It is really very simple, if you first understand what modern physics has discovered: Everything in this universe seems to be patterns of energy at its primary level, and it is these patterns of energy crossing and recrossing their nodal points and their resonant points that make the physical universe, or seem to. They create a holographic pattern which is the physical substance itself. Psychotronics is a way of tuning into these patterns of energy - these nodal points of crossing or points of resonance, whatever you want to call them.
Leslie: How do you do that tuning, what equipment do you use?
Peter: Our tuners are rectangular boxes, about 2 feet long, by 1.5 feet high by 1 foot deep, filled with various electronic components, and functioning somewhat like a bridge circuit in ordinary electronics. As you may know, a bridge circuit has three known sides plus a fourth side that can be filled by an unknown component to be tested. In a similar way, a psychotropic tuner detects the energy fields around whatever you put into it.
Leslie: Where do you put the specimen that you are working with?
Peter: Into an input well. You then turn the dials connected to the variable capacitors, and (here's where it gets a little tricky) you have to rub an acrylic plate at the same time until your fingers stick to the plate. The operator has to be trained to do this successfully.
Leslie: So the operator winds up being part of the whole circuit?
Peter: Normally. We've had some success with a system that does away with the operator, but it's still in the experimental stages.
Leslie: What then do you do with these techniques?
Peter: When you can tune into something and attune to an aspect of it, then its possible to modify its patterns of energy, and thus to affect the physical substance that is based on these patterns. For example, if you have a pattern that corresponds to a e coli bacteria and you were to transpose this pattern electronically and feed it back 90 degrees out of phase, in theory, you would see that the two opposite wave forms should cancel out, which would mean that the e coli would be cancelled out, and that is what we find to be the case in working with primitive organisms. Particularly in agriculture, things in their larval stage, or their simpler stages, are most amenable to cancellation or elimination.
Leslie: On the physical plane would you be observing dying?
Peter: Not dying, disappearing.
Leslie: So you wouldn't have a remnant form or body?
Peter: No, not in the very simple organisms. In a more complex one, you would have some remnants, but in the simple ones they just go back to their native materials, like water and basic energy. I know in research that has been done in, for example, corn borers, the corn borers literally dissolve in the ear of corn itself. You see the path leading down into where they were and just a wet smear, and that is all that is left of them, to be reabsorbed by the corn.
That is where psychotronics has come from. The direction it is going to is completely different. We've started taking to heart a lot of what Dr. Phillip Challahan has been saying. He is an entomologist with the USDA out of Gainsville FL, and author of the books Tuning In To Nature, Soul Of The Ghost Moth, and Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions. In his books he shows that the structure of the insects themselves make them receptors for microwave level radiation or near infrared - very high microwave - and that the signal that comes off of, say, a field of unhealthy corn broadcasts to these insects and attracts them. So our approach nowadays, rather than trying to kill anything (since everything has its place in nature somewhere, even the insects in cleaning up diseased corn or unbalanced crops), would be to raise the vitality of the plant, raise the vitality of the field, so that the insects are no longer attracted to them in the first place.
Leslie: In addition to no longer attracting damaging insects, does healthy corn also attract helpful organisms?
Peter: Absolutely. In connection with this we could go in a number of different directions, but let's start with the soil. Over the years, the soils in most fields have become literally a witch's brew of chemicals in various levels. First, they have put on mineral type fertilizers that tend to make the soil more full of salt every year, which means less conducive to life. Second, they have been using herbicides and pesticides to try to eliminate the problems that their unhealthy soil has caused.
We take that soil and in enough instances have demonstrated that first, we can neutralize these various chemicals that have been placed on these fields over many years. Second, we can clean out any imbalances in the fields that existed in the first place. Then we match the soil to any of a number of varieties of seeds. In effect, what we're saying is, "OK, you seeds, which of you can grow best in this type of soil?"
Leslie: You use a psychotronics device in order to determine this?
Peter: Oh yes, and find out what nutrients are available in the field, and then comparing it to what the plant would need through to its full production as a crop. Then we can potentize or add energy of the seed back to the seed. Now that seems strange unless you can remember that because everything is patterns of energy, if we take the pattern of energy off of a seed, then we can replicate that pattern of energy and cast it back to the same seed. Next we take the fertilizer that shows best suited to the seed and the soil, and take out any factors that show to be detrimental to either the seed or the soil. Before we apply the fertilizer, after we have cleaned it out and balanced it, we can potentize it, which means that if before you needed a ton per acre, now you only need 200 pounds per acre. And then we can find out what the seed and later the plant is going to need all the way until it is harvested as far as additional minerals or nutrients or whatever.
Leslie: So you can set up a program to encourage maximum health for the plant throughout its whole cycle?
Peter: Right through to harvest. What we are trying to do is to take the very inexact science of agriculture and make it a more exact science so that a farmer doesn't have to spend as much to produce, and yet what he does produce is very high in quality. To give you an example, one of our farmers last year had a total planting cost per acre for corn of $29/acre, compared to a national average of about $120/acre.
He's taking his own manure, turning it into compost, and balancing it and potentizing it using his psychotropic techniques. He is getting equivalent yields to anyone in his neighborhood, yet spending only 1/4 what they are. His product doesn't mold, doesn't spoil, has very high sugar readings because of the way he is producing it. We have other farmers who have sugar (Brix) readings on their alfalfa hay that are astounding, up around 30% sugar range, which is unheard of. Having such a high quality, such a high natural sugar level, the stuff doesn't spoil.
Leslie: So storage becomes an easier function as well?
Peter: Absolutely. The way it's been done in the past is that the old salesman comes up to the farm and says, "Well, how many acres you going to do in corn this year?" And the farmer says, "Well, I'm going to do 200 acres in corn." And the guy says, "You are going to need X tons of fertilizer, when do you want it, and how are you going to pay for it?" And he just takes what they bring him.
Leslie: Which is a very low labor approach in one way of looking at it, not in the long term, but in the sort term. Do you find that farmers using your type of fertilizing program put more labor into the care of their fields, as opposed to more money?
Peter: There is a balance struck. For example, it doesn't take much thinking to realize that if you are spending $29 or $30 per acre as opposed to $120 per acre, somewhere in there is a $90 per acre premium that you are going to get, and you can afford to spend a little bit more time in doing your own composting.
Leslie: How would you characterize the people who seem to be attracted to using psychotronics as an alternative to conventional methods?
Peter: The ones that are at the bitter end, one step away from bankruptcy.
Leslie: They have one more crop to make it or break it?
Peter: That's right. And once they have turned things around and at least break even for that year, once they see how what we're doing is cost effective, then they're sold for life. Now some of the farmers that we've trained have taken the better part of a year to get their land clear, to get their animals cleaned out, to get the cows so that they don't have chronic mastitis, or whatever. But if they stick with it, they get results. For example, there are all sorts of tests they do on milk and on dairy herds in most states. Typical is what they call a somatic cell count of the milk. Up to something like a million cells is relatively safe. We have farmers now that (without putting any antibiotics in their feed like most others do) are getting somatic cell counts under 100!
They also don't have a lot of abortion taking place in the cows, which has been a big problem for a lot of farmers. These guys clean and balance their feed and water, and also work on their crops. So something is happening, it's real, and it's affecting their bottom line where everything is affected in the end.
Leslie: What kind of time commitment does your training take?
Peter: My best answer is as much time as they have to spare.
Leslie: This is for basic training in how to use psychotronics equipment and becoming familiar with their fields and that sort of thing?
Peter: Yes, and then the big thing of course is taking it home and using it. Those that do are becoming very successful. Those that put it on the side or just say well, you know, maybe this isn't what I thought it should be, end up without any real gain. It is not something you can do a little of, you have to make a commitment to work on these things, as we teach, and if they do, then we virtually guarantee they will have changes in their operation. We haven't lost a farmer yet, once they got hold of what we're doing, which is pretty remarkable when you consider the rate of farm bankruptcies in recent years.
Leslie: How do these farmers hear about psychotronics in the first place?
Peter: Everything has been word of mouth so far. One guy telling his neighbor who tells his neighbor who tells a relative in another state and they are curious, or they have a friend that's curious, and they have heard of it or something. We have as yet to advertise anything we've ever done and yet, between the personal classes and the agricultural classes, we've trained over 2000 people in five years.
Leslie: That's a substantial number of farmers, Peter.
Peter: Yes, and it's going up exponentially, too.
Leslie: How widespread is psychotropic farming? Where do the people come from?
Peter: I've had people from Hawaii, Maine, California, Washington State, Idaho, just about every state in the U.S.. I've got apple orchards in Connecticut and Vermont, dairy farmers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin. All through the farm belt, everywhere. As a matter of fact, I can't think of a single state where I haven't trained at least one person so far, plus many from other countries also.
Leslie: Do you find that the people who are using psychotronics with farming come from any particular age group or educational background?
Peter: No, we've had them from 18 years old to the late 70s in the classes we've taught. In fact we've had one elderly couple from western Virginia that have a goat farm. We also get people from many different religious and philosophical backgrounds. In addition to all the usual denominations, we've had Amish, Mennonites, and others of the "plain people," as they call themselves.
Leslie: So the people who are using it, then, are not necessarily people who are already predisposed to alternative solutions?
Peter: Exactly. For some of them, that's the farthest thing from their minds. We feel very comfortable about that because we're creating a level of awareness that is affecting the whole nation, not just a specialized group of freethinkers.
Leslie: How does what you are doing with psychotropic farming relate to approaches like biological agriculture and permaculture?
Peter: It adds a whole other dimension and puts you 5 years ahead right away because you can absolutely see the relationships between your land and anything you put on it or do with it. In our training, what we stress, more than any other thing, more than the actual treating of the land, is the capability to know exactly where your land is at - the absolute ability to diagnose.
Leslie: Could the techniques you are developing be used as a technological fix that would still leave some important attitude questions about the land unaddressed?
Peter: I won't claim that these techniques can't be misused, but all our material is set up to teach a person to go for a cause behind a cause behind a cause. For example, at one time the farm family was thought of as the healthiest segment of the population, with all that fresh air, good hard work, and good basic food. But now because of all the chemicals they are using, the farm community is full of stories of heart attacks and early cancers in 20 and 30 year olds and a birth defect level higher than the national average.
So our first emphasis for these folks is for them to get themselves cleaned and balanced, and attitudes are an essential part of this. Once they have done this, then they can do the same thing to everything around them, their animals and then their land.
To make it work, you have to deal with the whole system.